Welcome to the TOGETHER help center! We are here to answer your questions. If you can't find what you're looking for here, send a message to our support team at [email protected]! For licensing questions, please contact [email protected]. And of course, there's also the website at www.together.biz with product descriptions and stories.

🚦SYSTEM STATUS at status.together.biz

TOGETHER at a glance

Get a quick overview of all the central functions of Together.biz. Upload content, bring it to the stage, collaborate, rooms (2:24 min):


AI Features

If you´re curious about our AI features and raodmap, click here.

AI in textboards

AI in textboards


Working with Together

Presentations Documents Spaces Content Organization Use Cases Pricing FAQ Release Notes Roadmap👋

<aside> 👉 TOGETHER supports many types of collaboration, making it very powerful in terms of functionality. To make it extremely easy for beginners to use, we have hidden some of the advanced features. You can learn more about them here in the Help Center.


Presenting with Together

You don't want to be super interactive? This is how you can present with ease using [Together.biz] (http://Together.biz): from importing to organizing content to presenting. A good starting point. (4:51 min.)

You can dive deeper into Working with Content



Working with Documents

Collaborative writing creates clarity and relieves meetings. This video shows the work in text boards and whiteboards. In the end, it discusses how to work on documents alone outside of rooms and how to use them in different rooms. (5 min.)

You can dive deeper into Working with Content


Working with multiple spaces

This video shows how to set up multiple rooms, for example, a room for a specific topic. It is important to know how to keep track of many people in the space, how to quickly switch between rooms, and even how to step aside with other people in meetings (we call this One-To-One). (3:50 min.)

After watching the video, you can further explore here Working with Multiple Spaces



Hybrid Work in a Space

In TOGETHER, teams and organizations of several hundred people can easily come together and work collectively (for work purposes or even just hanging out in a café), write together, write individually - or just be present in the same room. This video shows how it works. (3:50 Min.)

After watching the video, you can further explore here Working with Multiple Spaces


Organizing content

Keeping track of a lot of content and multiple rooms? Easy peasy: filter your views, search for text in titles, retrieve content in rooms, and assign content to multiple rooms. The best part: with just one click, take your content directly into the room where you need it. (4:33 min.)

After watching the video, you can further explore here Working with Multiple Spaces


$\color{pink}\rule{5000px}{3px}$How to use Together 📖

Organizing meetings


Account & Login


The Stage

Invite others



Private Journal

Personal briefcase


Account and Billing


Plans (Subscriptions)

Working with Content

Import Slides and Presentations


AI in Textboards






Declarations and Contracts

Statements & Votes

Download, Send, Collection Basket

Share with others

Security and Trust

Supported Environments

Privacy and GDPR


ID Verification

Signing of documents

System Status

Working with Multiple Spaces

Room list

Room types

Your contents


Take into rooms or remove from rooms

Working alone

Philosophy and Vision

We want meetings to be shorter and more productive. Mondays are the worst day of the week and everyone has a headache in the evening.

We want meetings to only be conducted when multiple people need to coordinate on more complex topics in order to achieve results in their respective workflows. The solution is to organize communication around results and make documents central: written communication is essential for binding decisions that allow for progress to be made.

<aside> 💡 Meetings (where all participants meet and speak at the same time) are needed when:

Of course, you can also work on simpler, operational topics in meetings (e.g. to-do discussions), which can also be done well with TOGETHER. However, we believe that the more operational a topic becomes, the more the work should be done in stretched processes over time: work together when you can. Alone, in pairs, or in the whole group. If something fundamental needs to be discussed as above, a meeting with the whole group is needed - with results, analyses, and problem outlines.
